CCS Action Team

We are here to see your climate ideas become climate action, while harnessing the impact of current initiatives to create long lasting change.
We work to facilitate collaborations between existing campaigning groups, societies and charities in Cambridge and beyond.

The Current Situation

Sustainability within Cambridge colleges still has a long way to go with 24/31 colleges were graded a U based on their lack of decarbonisation.
Student life negatively impacts the environment; May Balls and CSunday cause huge amounts of waste and last year the University contributed 148 tonnes to landfill!
Activities of the student population and other city residents are often quite separated. However, there are green initiatives where that divide is bridged, like some community gardening schemes and school strikes.

Cambridge students significantly contribute to Cambridge’s carbon footprint and we hold a lot of power over the University’s activities. As students, we can make a difference in the city through speaking up and supporting sustainable initiatives to make Cambridge more environmentally friendly for everyone.
Evidence that student action is successful can be seen by the student-led University’s pledge to completely divest from fossil fuels by 2030.

How you can get involved

Why now?

Often it can seem difficult to know how you, as an individual, can make any real difference in the face of the climate crisis. Recycling, buying local food, and avoiding flights, whilst all undoubtedly positive changes, can seem dauntingly small when you when you understand the injustice of climate change. When you read, for example, that 70% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions over the last twenty years are attributable to just 100 fossil fuel producers.

Yet to avoid the immobilising despair that accompanies this feeling, we need to instead feel hopeful, optimistic and empowered. We believe this is possible when we come together, within Cambridge city, university and beyond, to share our knowledge and ideas and create long-lasting change. 

This doesn’t mean that changing your daily consumer habits such as cutting out meat, or buying second-hand clothes, are not important. But through collective action - such as supporting a Cambridge divestment campaign - we all have a chance to contribute to long-lasting systemic change on a greater scale, whilst feeling connected and supported by others with the shared vision of a healthier and more equal planet.

Our mission

Climate Action can take so many forms and on all scales; from civil disobedience to art projects, or from lobbying your college to divest from fossil fuels to creating a shared rewilding space. Whichever form your climate action takes, we aim to help by acting as intermediaries and facilitators with a network of climate action stakeholders across Cambridge.
Our aims
Helping revitalise and/or scale up existing projects and actions by connecting people to the support and resources of others.
Bringing together individuals and existing groups with common visions and goals to initiate new actions. 
Creating a helpful platform, via our directory but also as people to contact, for individuals to discover where their interests within climate action can be best focused.

Contact Us

If, as an individual, organisation, society, student body, or campaign group, you would like to create more meaningful change in Cambridge through collaboration and the sharing of knowledge, resources and creativity, please contact one of the Action Team, (Jo, Mia or Ellie) via